Sunday, July 17, 2011

The illusion of safety

Now, its not what you think. This was the term used by a security guy to describe the driving around here. The word I would use is insane!!!!! There is an illusion of safety because there are lines on the road, street lights, and people use their blinkers. Its insane because the attitude is do what ever you want and if Allah wishes you to arrive safely, you will. If not, you will get in an accident. Street signs are merely suggestions, and if there is a motor bike or bike (or donkey drawn carraige - we saw one last night) on the side of the road, just go around. If there are cars there they will move out of your way. And the cars don't watch for pedestrians, the pedestrians have to watch for cars. So you will see people walking in the middle of a busy road, just meandering around trying to get to the other side of the street and they will be within inches of a car. It is frightening to watch, and even scarier to try to cross the street. The only saving grace for me is that they LOVE kids here and when they see me trying to cross with my crowd of kids they generally slow down or stop for me.

But since we are talking about safety, I have to say I have never felt safer in my home. There are security guys who come by the house 6 times a day to make sure the gate is locked, and all the houses with ties to the embassy have special dead bots installed on multiple doors. Our front door resembles one of the doors you see on TV with the 10 locks. And nearly all the windows and doors have iron bars on them. Beautiful, and decorative, but bars none the less. The bars are not necessarily just on diplomat's houses, though. It seems to be a Moroccan thing. Also a Moroccan thing, is 10 feet of wall all around your house with a locked gate in the front yard. Its great for keeping your kids in. Our actual wall is only about 5 ft, but then there are bushes that make up the rest of the height. I live in my own fortress. Its great.

So the long and short of it is, we are pretty safe around here, unless we're driving. lol

1 comment:

  1. I hear you about the driving! I wasn't two weeks on the continent when I got hit by a car...while I was walking!!!! well not really hit, nudged in the rear but still too close for comfort. Arnie called the pedestrians "froggers" after the video game. I admire you for trying to drive at all. It is truly the most insane thing that I've ever seen!
